
A Couple Of Tips For Mitigating Pests Around Your Home

Home & Garden Blog

Pests come in a variety of types, and whether they are insects or rodents, these vermin can create some major problems for your home. In addition to making you feel uncomfortable, this issue can also create health risks for you and your family. Unfortunately, there are many new homeowners that make some mistakes that can create the perfect conditions for these creatures. Here are a couple of tips that should help you to avoid making some mistakes that can attract pests to your home.

31 July 2015

Broken Window? What To Do While You Wait For The Repair Man


Broken windows can be messy, spreading broken glass on your floor and letting in bugs and drafts. Even worse, unsuspecting household members could get hurt if they walk on or touch the glass before it's cleaned up. If you want to deal with a broken window quickly and thoroughly, here are some tips while you wait for a glass repair company like United Glass Service Inc. Protect Yourself From Unstable Glass

1 July 2015

Three Chimney Trouble Signs You Shouldn't Overlook

Home & Garden Blog

If you're new to having a fireplace in your house, you may not be familiar with some of the common warning signs of chimney trouble. Since you can't always spot issues simply by inspecting the chimney from the ground, it's important that you understand what you should watch for. Here are three common chimney problems that you need to know about so that you know when it's time to call for chimney cleaning or repair.

15 June 2015

Training Your Vines To Grow On Your New Pergola

Home & Garden Blog

If you just put up a beautiful pergola, you're likely wondering how you can get some beautiful vines to grow on it. This is a great option for those who want an additional shady area with natural surroundings. However, there is more to training your vines to grow on your pergola than just planting and waiting for it to wind around the pergola. This guide explains how to train your vines to climb, cling and provide the beauty and shade you're looking for.

25 May 2015

Outdoor Metal Decor Care

Home & Garden Blog

Metal garden ornaments can add beauty to your landscape and highlight favorite areas outdoors, but will require some maintenance to stay in top condition. Fortunately, most common outdoor ornament metals are easy to care for if you learn the basics. Check The Metal Content Not all metal yard art is created equal. Some newer ornaments are made of aluminum, which is lightweight and doesn't rust. Heavier, sturdier pieces are typically made of iron, which can rust.

30 April 2015

How to Get a Better Night's Sleep


Sleep is an extremely important part of your day. With proper sleep, you can improve your overall health, including your physical wellbeing and mental health. However, if you are having problems getting a good night's sleep, you most likely feel it all day long. Here are some easy tips to get the best night's sleep possible. Create a Sleep Schedule Just like you do for your children when you are trying to improve their sleep, you need to have a sleep schedule.

13 April 2015

Get Smart: Your Kitchen Will Soon Know More About Your Food Than You Do


In today's homes, it seems like "smart" technology is everywhere. Virtually anything in a home can be controlled from a cell phone or tablet, including lights, blinds, the thermostat, and even the locks on the doors - and the kitchen is no different. Just about every single kitchen appliance is getting a smart makeover, including ovens and refrigerators. Here's a look at a few ways that smart technology is taking over your kitchen's main appliances.

26 March 2015

Tips For Finding The Best Tree Removal Company

Home & Garden Blog

If you have a tree or two in your yard that needs to be removed, you might find yourself wondering how you are going to find the best company for the job. It is crucial that you a re paying close attention to the following tips. After all, if a tree is not properly removed, it can cause a substantial amount of damage to private property and possibly nearby people. So, take a moment and reflect upon the following tips for finding the best company for the job.

16 March 2015

Signs That It Might Be Time To Shop For A New Water Heater


When you are a homeowner, it is up to you to replace everything that breaks. Therefore, you might want to give yourself a slight advantage of learning a little about the signs of something breaking, such as the hot water heater. This way, you can start saving and comparison shopping for a replacement water heater. To get you started with this, you need to check out the following signs that your water heater is having some troubles.

2 March 2015

Kids And Hardwood Flooring: Which Are Your Best Options?


Many people think that you should skip the hardwood flooring if you have children. This is because some types of wood floors can easily be scratched, dented or dinged by children who run or play on the floors. However, if your heart is set on wood, you don't have to give up what you want because you have kids. You just have to be conscious of what type of wood you are selecting and how strong and durable it is.

15 December 2014