If you've purchased a recreational vehicle for the purpose of being your permanent home, you are in for a delightful time. Gone will be the countless hours spent on cleaning and gone will be the big utility bills you had while you were living in a traditional home. There are definite benefits to RV living. However, there are definitely some major adjustments, too.
Decorating - Be creative! Where some of your home decor would be placed in traditional places, now you'll have to re-think decorating. A favorite tray that used to be on a coffee table will be adorable when you cluster it with throw pillows on your bed. Where you had large canisters on your kitchen cabinet surfaces, now you'll be selecting smaller sets that will decorate your tiny dining table. Instead of putting a pretty blanket away, adorn the back of your sofa with it. Not only will that be a pretty look, but you will have found a handy place to store your blanket. Scarves and jewelry also make pretty decorations when you hang them on a door knob.
Clothing - Typically, there is a very small storage closet on either side of the bed in your RV. As you pick out clothing, consider planning around a certain favorite color. For example, a black skirt can be paired with basic tops for casual wear. When you select a dressy blouse and special jewelry, that same skirt can become an elegant outfit. During warm weather, heavy coats and shoes are best placed in the outer storage unit of the RV. Layer your clothing on each hanger. Instead of just placing a pair of slacks on the hanger, add a shirt, a belt, a necktie or a scarf, and a cardigan sweater.
Indoor Storage - Be flexible! Where clothing used to always go in your bedroom area and towels used to go in a linen closet, now you will need to be very creative about where to store things. Your kitchen towels, an extra set of sheets and your bathroom towels can be conveniently stored on top of a pull-down extra bed. Pretty hanging jewelry holders might become a great place to store underwear or kitchen utensils. A magazine holder becomes a wonderful place to keep all of your craft items.
Guarding Your Valuables - One thing that doesn't change when you're living in a recreational vehicle is the storage of important documents. A locksmith like one from Top Security Locksmiths will be a great source to find exactly the right safe for your RV. While you're at it, consider getting the locksmith to check your door locks and your windows, to make sure they're secure. It's also a good idea to order extra keys to your door and to the outside storage unit, and buy a special holder to hide an extra key, just in case you lock yourself out.
Have fun living and traveling in your new RV!
Share3 December 2014